Attendance Dashboard

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The Attendance dashboard allows users to explore student attendance by grades and subgroups using several metrics.

Supporting Documents


  • Office of Whole Child Supports
  • Attendance Works

    Absenteeism Calculation Definitions:

    • Chronically Absent - Percent of all students of the subgroup that were absent 10% or more of their enrollment. A student who was enrolled for 180 days and missed 18 days would be counted as chronically absent.
    • Average Daily Attendance Rate - Total number of days present divided by the total number days enrolled for all students in a subgroup. If a subgroup of students had 975 days present and 1,000 days enrolled, the Average Daily Attendance Rate would be 97.5%.
    • Average Daily Absenteeism Rate - Total number of days absent divided by the total number days enrolled for all students in a subgroup. This is the inverse of Average Daily Attendance Rate. Instead of 975 days present, it uses 25 days absent out of 1,000 days enrolled. The Average Daily Absenteeism Rate would 2.5%.

Data Sources

The attendance data uses the same raw data as College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI), which is based on the Student Record data collection.

Dashboard Instructions

Statewide Overview - Use the Absenteeism Calculation dropdown to change the metric being displayed in the visuals. Use the Subgroup, School Year, and System dropdowns to change the students underlying the calculation. Select a system from the map will show that system's data compared to the state's data.

Subgroup Heatmap - Use the Absenteeism Calculation dropdown to change the metric being displayed in the visuals. Use the System and School dropdowns to drilldown to a specific system or school.

Subgroup Comparison - Dropdowns are similiar to the other two pages but the Subgroup Comparison page groups students based on the individual student's Average Daily Absenteeism Rate, the orange bar matches the chronically absent precents from the other pages.
