What is the purpose of the dashboard?
The purpose of this dashboard is two-fold:
- To provide educators and those who work with students with relevant health outcomes data for their communities
- To challenge educators and those who work with students to use this health outcomes data to factor health-related prevention and intervention activities into their processes for tiered support.
Why is this data relevant for educators?
"Schools play a critical role in promoting the health and safety of young people and helping them establish lifelong healthy behaviors." (CDC, 2022)
There is a great deal of evidence to support the notion that healthy students are better learners, (Basch, 2011). Unfortunately, many students arrive at school carrying the burdens of home, community, and inadequate healthcare. In the public health and healthcare sectors, connecting health status to personal outcomes is common, but less so in education, where data has traditionally been focused on academic measures. While data related to specific ailments, illness, and general health in the K-12 student population is slim, county-level health outcomes data is widespread and easily accessible. This data can help educators to understand where their communities stand from a health standpoint and in turn how their students may be affected.
What do the rankings mean?
The rankings were created to be a way to compare one county or local school district up against the rest in Georgia. Lower rankings are indicative of favorable outcomes/results, whereas higher rankings are indicative of less favorable outcomes/results. For example, if a school district ranks 220 out of 221 districts for chronic absenteeism, only one school district in the state has a worse chronic absenteeism rate.
What types of questions can this dashboard help to answer?
- Where does my county rank among others in the state when it comes to overall health?
- Where does my school district rank among others when it comes to chronic absenteeism and discipline incidents?
- Where do the students in my district rank among others on the FitnessGram test results, including aerobic capacity and body composition?
- Where is my school in relation to a federally-qualified health center?
Terms and Definitions
- Aerobic capacity: a measure that reflects the maximum rate that the respiratory, cardiovascular, and muscular systems can take in, transport, and use oxygen during exercise.
- Body composition: measured using the standard calculation for Body Mass Index (BMI) which is based on weight relative to height and essentially indicates if the weight is appropriate for the height. Age and gender are factored into this calculation as well.
- Federally-qualified health centers: Community-based health care providers that receive funds from the HRSA Health Center Program to provide primary care services in underserved areas. They must meet a stringent set of requirements, including providing care on a sliding fee scale based on ability to pay and operating under a governing board that includes patients. (Health Resources and Services Administration)
- Food insecurity: a household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food (United States Department of Agriculture)
Dashboard Instructions
- In the top right corner of the dashboard, use the dropdown menu to select your district.
- On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see how your district ranks among others in each category.
- Hover over the
in the bottom left corner of each box for more information on each ranking.
- To the left of the ranking number you will see text indicating the ranking a county ranking or a district ranking.
- Clicking on the
to the right of the ranking will change the map in the center to display that ranking graphically.
- In the middle of the screen, you can hover over any county or district on the map to see the county or district name and the ranking.
- Use the District Schools Map in the top right corner to see where schools are located in the selected district in relation to a federally-qualified health centers.
- You can use the drop-down menu to adjust the federally-qualified health centers visible bases on the distance they are from the district ranging from 10-100 miles..