Educator Pipeline – Teachers

​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to the Georgia Department of Education Educator Pipeline Dashboard. The purpose of the dashboard is to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive platform in which educator pipeline data can be analyzed at the state, P20, RESA, and district levels to determine growth and improve current pipeline trends, practices, and initiatives.​


The Georgia Insights Educator Pipeline dashboard supports education decision makers in strengthening and diversifying the educator workforce, which is vital to ensuring an impactful learning experience for all students in the state of Georgia.

Supporting Documents

Key terms/definitions

  • RESA: The Regional Educational Service Agency (RESA) consist of 16 regional educational service agencies strategically located in service districts throughout the State of Georgia. In addition, the RESAs assist the State Department of Education in promoting its initiatives.
  • P20: The state is divided into nine regions, each region clustered around a group of institutions or agencies that prepare teachers. The P20 Collaboratives represent systems of support to provide a seamless transition for pre-service candidates as they seek to become professional educators, as well as to provide continued professional learning for practicing educators and leaders.
  • Districts: An area or region containing the schools that a school board governs. This definition includes all Local Education Agencies (LEAs), Charter schools and State schools.

Data Sources

Data Collections

  • Certified/Classified Personnel Information (CPI)
  • Student Class (SC)
  • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)

Dashboard Instructions
  1. Select a talent domain area to see a list of reports.
  2. Use the menu in the right margin to filter reports by State, RESA, P20, and Districts.
  3. Clicking on a specific data point will adjust all data in the report and emphasize that specific data point. (Ex: If you select assistant principals on the demographic page, the gender, race/ethnicity will update to show only those individuals identified as assistant principals.)
  4. Hovering over a data point will provide additional information about that data. (i.e. percentages, raw data numbers, and calculations where available)

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